How an AJE Research Communication Partner (RCP) Can Help You Get Published

A Research Communication Partner (RCP) provides personalized support and guidance to authors, assisting them in navigating the publication process and ensuring their manuscript is publication-ready. RCPs help authors understand edits, choose the right services, and improve manuscript quality for faster publication times and high customer satisfaction.

Updated on September 15, 2023

a research communication partner helping a life sciences researcher with their academic manuscript

The academic publication process can be complex and daunting, especially for non-native English speakers. That's where the Research Communication Partner (RCP) team at AJE comes in. In this blog post, we will discuss how an RCP can assist you in navigating the publication process and ensuring that your manuscript is publication-ready.

What is an RCP?

An RCP serves as a concierge partner for authors. The RCP serves as a liaison between our manuscript service providers (e.g., editors, illustrators, translators)  and our customers, providing author resources, answering questions about language or the publication process, and resolving any problems with our services that they encounter.

  • US-based language experts: The RCP position requires a postgraduate degree from one of the top research universities in the U.S. RCPs are also native English speakers that have extensive experience as either Academic Editors or Quality Control Editors at RSC, which ensures that customers have access to a colleague with academic expertise combined with a deep knowledge of the English language.
  • Experts in their field: RCPs hold postgraduate degrees in research fields such as the humanities, life and physical sciences, law, medicine, business, engineering, social sciences, and earth sciences. This subject area expertise is highly valued by our customers. 
  • Thorough knowledge of the publication process: As experts in their field, RCPs have a keen understanding of the academic publication process, including the requirements for ensuring a manuscript is publication-ready. This expertise has been gained by past experience writing, reviewing, and/or submitting academic papers as well as by extensive professional experience working directly with customers going through this process.
  • Like a friendly postdoc in your lab: RCPs are like having a friendly postdoc in your lab who can guide you through the academic publishing process, answer your questions, and provide personal support until your paper is published. They serve as a liaison between the customer and AJE’s academic services providers, helping to coach customers, answer their questions, and provide advice to resolve any problems they may encounter with our services or the publication process.

Our RCPs have even authored a long list of resources to assist authors in the publication process.

What does an RCP do?

An RCP serves as a resource for the customer and helps guide the customer through the entire process of receiving academic services from Research Square, beginning at the time of submission and extending beyond the completion of the order. They maintain contact with customers regarding any questions or concerns regarding past, current, and future submissions. Additionally, RCPs interface with other employees to answer questions and report the most appropriate and helpful response back to the customer.

1. Provides personal support

One of the primary roles of an RCP is to provide personal support to customers.

An RCP will answer your questions, provide guidance, and help navigate the publication process. (See an interview with one of our RCPs, Ilouise Bradford, discussing her role.)

2. Will help you understand any edits in your paper

When a customer submits a manuscript for editing or other services, the RCP is responsible for helping the customer understand any changes made to the manuscript.  All you need to do is ask and your RCP will explain why certain changes were made and offer suggestions for how to improve the text further if needed. Authors who work with RCPs often learn more about the English language from such exchanges, which helps to improve their writing in the future.

3. Helps pick the right AJE services for your specific academic needs

The RCP has a deep understanding of the range of services offered by AJE and can help customers choose the services that best fit their specific academic needs. This includes taking into account factors such as the subject matter of the manuscript, the level of editing needed, and the intended audience of the publication.

4. Helps you until your paper is published

From the moment a customer submits a manuscript for Premium Editing to Research Square until the paper is published, the RCP is there to offer support and guidance. This includes answering questions, providing updates on the status of the manuscript upon request, and helping the customer to ensure that the manuscript is publication-ready.

How will an RCP benefit my academic journey?

Personalized support: The RCP can provide you with individualized support and guidance throughout the entire publication process, from selecting the appropriate AJE service to addressing any questions or concerns you may have to explaining reviewer comments.

Enhanced understanding of edits: The RCP can help you understand any edits made to your manuscript, ensuring that you have a clear understanding of the changes made and why they were made.

Improved manuscript quality: The RCP can help ensure that your manuscript meets the highest quality standards, which can increase the likelihood of acceptance by journals and reduce the chances of rejection or revision requests.

Faster publication time: Having an RCP can help streamline the publication process, potentially resulting in faster acceptance and publication times.

High customer satisfaction: Customers who interacted with the RCP team in 2022-2023 reported a 95.2% Customer Satisfaction Rating, which even includes customers who contacted their RCP to complain about our services.  Helping you achieve your manuscript goals and your overall satisfaction are our RCPs’ top concern.

How can I access an RCP?

1. Purchase Premium Editing

When you choose AJE’s Premium Editing service, you will automatically be assigned an RCP.

2. Your RCP will reach out to you

Accessing an RCP is simple and straightforward. After you submit your paper for Premium Editing and the order is completed, your personal RCP will contact you via email to introduce themselves and provide their contact information. You can reach out to them at any time with questions or concerns.

Final thoughts

Working with an AJE Research Communication Partner is an exciting opportunity to take your academic journey to the next level! With personalized support, expert guidance, and a deep understanding of the publication process, our RCPs are like a friendly postdoc in your lab. Not only will they help you navigate the complex world of academic publishing, but they'll also provide added value through excellent customer service and individualized partnership. So why not give it a try? With Premium Editing, our RCPs will reach out to you and provide you with the support you need until your paper is published. Don't let the publishing process be a daunting task—let our RCPs help you achieve your academic goals with ease!

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